Thursday, November 28, 2013

Why do I need a will?

During this holiday season, providing for your family and close loved ones is one of the greatest gifts you can give.  While it’s not exactly the most joyful thing to think about during the holidays, having a Last Will and Testament prepared is a wise investment that will allow you to plan for your family’s future once you’ve passed on.

In your Will, you can indicate not only who gets your personal assets, but also when, in what order and how they can receive it. As part of your Will, you will designate an Executor, who is someone you’d trust to handle your affairs once you’ve passed on. 
Having a Will is especially important for those with young children, so you can designate how to transfer guardianship of your children.  Additionally, the executor of your Will would manage your assets until the age you designate that you’d want your children to receive their inheritance. If you were to die intestate (without a Will), the state would determine how and where your assets would be divided, as well as who would become guardian over your children.

In the event that you die without any heirs whatsoever, and without a Will, then the state would be your heir and receive all of your assets.  Thus, even those without living family members (or family members they don’t want to have an interest in their estate) should have a Will to plainly show where they would like their assets to go, such as an alma mater, a church or a favorite charity.

An attorney who has experience preparing Wills can walk you through the process to make sure your Will is prepared properly and with the vision you provide for your family’s future.

To schedule a FREE CONSULTATION with the Law Offices of Brandon Rosenbloom, call us at 678-609-8724 or contact us online today.

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