Monday, December 16, 2013

Georgia Drivers ranked 14th Worst Nationwide

According to a recent survey of car insurance companies, Georgia is the 14th “Worst Driver’s State”. This was based on statistics from the National Highway Traffic Administration, the National Motorist Association and Mothers Against Drunk Driving. 

The calculations of “worst driving states” were based on ratings of Fatalities rates, Failure to Obey (traffic signals and seat belts), Drunk Driving, Tickets and Careless Driving (aka Reckless Driving in Georgia). Why is this important?  In addition to considering your personal driving record, insurance companies use this data to determine your rates. 

While you can’t do much about the driving habits of your fellow motorists (as my mother used to tell me “it’s not you I’m worried about, it’s the other drivers”), you can make sure your own record is as clean as possible. If you have open cases, hire an experienced traffic attorney to make sure your rights and record are protected. If you already have convictions for traffic violations, you can take a driver’s safety course once every five years to reduce the points assessed on your driving record by up to 7 points.  This could mean the difference between a higher and lower insurance premium and/or a driver’s license teetering on the point of being suspended.

Or you could do nothing and enjoy the fact that MARTA has a surplus of funds and will be opening new restrooms and extending service routes.

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