Monday, December 2, 2013

How can I protect my Commercial Driver's License?

Through one of my very first cases as a criminal defense attorney, I was introduced to the rigorous standards and responsibilities that individuals with a commercial driver’s license are held to. For instance, yesterday, I wrote about the fines and penalties involved with Driving While Distracted (DWD). For commercial truck drivers, the DWD fine can be 10-20 times that of those with non-commercial driver’s licenses!

The testing and license application to become a commercial driver is rigorous, and keeping that license is serious business. Non-commercial drivers can accrue up to 15 points on their driving record every 24 months before their license is suspended.  In some cases, a commercial driver can lose his or her license after one or two infractions.

Per Georgia Statute, commercial drivers are allowed one “serious” traffic violation (i.e. speeding, reckless driving, lane change violations, using wireless communication devices, etc…) every three years without a suspension of their license. Two serious violations will result in a 60 day suspension and three in three years will result in a 120 day suspension.
There are significant penalties for commercial drivers who commit “major” traffic violations (i.e. DUI, hit and run, fleeing and eluding, etc…), even when driving a non-commercial vehicle.  One conviction for a “major” traffic violation in a non-commercial vehicle means losing your commercial driver’s license for a year; in a commercial vehicle, the license suspension is three years. A second “major” conviction will cause a lifetime disqualification.

While many of us depend on our vehicles to get us to and from work, for a commercial driver, their ability to drive their vehicle IS their work, so the penalties can be life changing. An aggressive, knowledgeable lawyer can counsel a commercial driver and help them maintain their livelihood in the event that they have been accused of a serious or major traffic violation. 

To schedule a FREE CONSULTATION with the Law Offices of Brandon Rosenbloom, call us at 678-609-8724 or contact us online today.

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